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How many Colonic sessions do I need? | Naturopath Melbourne | Naturopathy Brunswick

How many Colonic sessions do I need?

An accurate answer to this question can only be given once you have attended for one or two sessions where the Colonic Hydrotherapist has had an opportunity to assess digestive and eliminative processes.

The other question to consider is what are the individual’s health goals?  Do they want occasional symptomatic relief to alleviate pain and discomfort from abdominal distension caused by compacted faecal matter or do they want a more long term health results where the bowel will be retrained to behave in a more normal fashion and deliver daily bowel actions?


There are some basic “rules of thumb” for a maintenance/preventative program


Group 1- Healthy people under the age of 30 that eat well and exercise regularly

This group need a couple of sessions  a year unless they are a competitive athlete who undergo an inordinate amount of daily physical stress.

Group 2- Healthy people between the ages of 30-50 years that eat well and exercise regularly

With age and the slowing of metabolic processes in the body, this group on a maintenance program of 3-4 times a year is recommended.

Group 3- Healthy people over the age of 50 years that eat well and exercise regularly

This group generally needs 4-5  sessions  a year.

For those that fly for business or pleasure regularly, eat high levels of animal/sugar products, work shift work, smoke or drink regularly- add and extra 3 sessions per year to your group.


When starting out for the first time


Group 4- First Timers

If you have never been on a program of colonic care before then chances are,  you need a good clean out especially if you are in the 30+ group and eat high levels of animal/sugar products, eat processed foods, work at a fast/stressful pace and fail to exercise regularly.


To begin with,  2 colonic sessions per week for 2 weeks, then reduced to 1 session per week for 2 weeks then reassessed before further recommendations are made. Remember this is an estimate as each individual will have different needs. 



 Book Online Appointment or call us on (03) 9388 0080. 



Naturopathy Melbourne