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Colonic Hydrotherapy FAQs | Naturopath Melbourne | Naturopathy Brunswick

Colonic Hydrotherapy FAQs

What is colon hydrotherapy?

Top Dozen Questions to Ask Before a Colonic

What to Expect on my First Colonic Visit

What diseases and conditions affect the colon?

Why people seek colon hydrotherapy 

What are the benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy?

What are the contraindications to Colonic Hydrotherapy?

What should I do before I have a Colonic Session?

Do I leave my modesty at the door?

Will I experience discomfort or pain?

How long will a Colonic session take? 

How many Colonic sessions do I need?

Colonic hydrotherapy- Aftercare Advice

Is the procedure safe and sanitary?

What supplements are recommended after a colonic?

How often should we have a bowl action?

What’s in faeces and how should it look or smell?





Coming Soon!

How can colon therapy help by digestive health?

Does colon hydrotherapy wash away all bacteria, even the good?

Will laxatives or enemas accomplish the same results?

Can one become dependent on it? Could the colon stop functioning on its own?

Will I loose weight?

What will i feel like after the treatment?

Will I be able to drive home after a colonic or go to work?

Can I have a colonic if I’m having a period?

Can I have a colonic if I’m pregnant?

How soon after child birth can I have a colonic?

Do all colonic therapist have proper training?




Naturopathy Melbourne