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Do I do the Colonic myself or is there someone with me? | Naturopath Melbourne | Naturopathy Brunswick

Do I do the Colonic myself or is there someone with me?

Before we set your heart racing with our answer please take the time to understand the 6 major reasons why people should never be left alone to self insert rectal speculums and/or tubes, operate medical equipment or interpret their own results.


Our First Concern

When we first decided to introduce colonic therapy we investigated the benefits as well as the best approach. Our primary focus was to introduce a therapy that was effective and above all safe. We discovered that even though an “Open Colonic System” where a patient looks after themselves was cost effective (as we did not need to hire a qualified colonic therapist),  it did not full-fill our main concern which was safety.

One of the largest risk with colonic irrigation is the insertion of the rectal speculum. Some people have haemorrhoids (internal & external) , fissures, strictures, benign growths (harmless tumours), polyps, and for some individuals the rectum does not lay at the expected angle or they suffer from a rectal prolapse. Knowing this, you would now agree that trying to insert yourself, a rectal speculum in an area that you can’t see and in some cases have difficulty in reaching with ease, is not the best approach and in some cases can lead to bowel perforation depending on the fragility of your bowel wall.


Our Second Concern

Our second concern with a system where a therapist did not attended, there was no-one qualified to regulate and assess the therapy at all times. For some individuals, applying a preset pressure and temperature is not the best approach as the needs of the patient may change. For instance if there is a large blockage and the pressure and temperature is not adjusted then this will unnecessarily extend the bowel causing possible cramping and perhaps tiny tears in the bowel wall (fissures).

We know that there are great health benefits to be gained by colonic hydrotherapy, most people feels a surge of wellbeing, improved energy and is also an invaluable tool for gastroenterologist who are now using this system to clear the bowel prior a colonoscopy to better view the large intestine wall. But like all things, it has to be done properly and by a qualified individual. You would not put an unlicensed, inexperienced person behind the wheel of the car and expect good outcomes. There is nothing wrong with the car but there is everything wrong with the person in control of it.

We understand that some people may be hesitant about rectal insertion but like all things medical (pap smear, prostate exam) its just a few seconds of awkwardness that is soon forgotten. We take your welfare and apprehensions seriously and offer gowns and towels to maintain your modesty at all times. A rectal digital exam and rectal insertion will take less than a few seconds and the rest of the time you are laying on your back completely covered by towels.


Our Third Concern

Our third concern was that people really don’t understand how to interpret the results. Unless you understand what is normal and what is not, it’s a missed opportunity to understand your state of health and what steps you need to take next. For instance very dark faecal matter could indicate that you are bleeding from the stomach…something that you need to know ASAP so further medical investigations are instigated immediately. There may be parasites present that you are mistaking for long thin faecal matter, again another wasted opportunity that could make the world of difference to your health and wellbeing.


Our Fourth Concern

Our fourth concern is that we have had patients report that in clinics where they were not professionally attended to they experienced excruciating abdominal pain……something that we have NEVER experienced at our clinic as a qualified hydrotherapist would never allow the situation to reach this level.


Our Fifth Concern

Our fifth concern is that very little is explained to patients when they are left alone in terms of preventative care, lifestyle changes and general wellness topics that would be of great benefit. When you have a therapist’s undivided attention you are receiving a consultation as well as a procedure.


Our Sixth Concern

Our six concern is that because there is currently no government regulation over this industry anyone can own and operate a Colonic centre with no training or medical background what so ever hence we are now seeing Colonic centres open in beauty parlours. This fortunately is about to change but like all things relating to government, it will take time before each State provides this industry with rules and regulations. Colonic Hydrotherapy is safe and effective but people need to boycott centres that don’t provide a hygienic environment with qualified therapists. Click here to get your Safety Check List before you make any appointments.


 Book Online Appointment or call us on (03) 9388 0080.


Naturopathy Melbourne